Painless Tab無痛錠

Painless Tab

orphenadrine + paracetamol


Yung Shin


Yung Shin
Full Prescribing Info
Orphenadrine citrate, paracetamol.
Each tab contains Orphenadrine citrate 50 mg, paracetamol 325 mg.
Shoulder stiffness, back pain, headache, toothache, joint pain, neuralgia, dysmenorrhea, muscle spasm and stiffness, rheumatism, sprain.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Usual adult dose is 1 tablet two to four times daily.
The dose should be adjusted according to the age and syndrome.
To be dispensed on physician's prescription.
Special Precautions
Inappropriate use of this medicine has the potential to cause liver toxicity or severe liver damage.
Do not exceed the stated dose.
Do not take with any other drug containing paracetamol unless advised by a healthcare professional.
Store at room temperature below 25°C, protect from light.
MIMS Class
Muscle Relaxants
ATC Classification
M03BC51 - orphenadrine, combinations ; Belongs to the class of ethers. Used as centrally-acting muscle relaxants.
Painless Tab
1000's ($600/bottle)
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